Eduvate’s impact and efforts have been recognized and covered by major media houses in the country. For any media enquiries please reach out to [email protected]

April 27, 2024
Dr. Heba Chaya, a researcher and trainer at Eduvate, presented a 2-hour workshop on the effectiveness and strategies of implementing creativity and innovation.
Eduvate organized the workshop, which was conducted by trainer Dr. Heba Chaya and attended by over 20 teachers from various subjects working in schools across the UAE and Lebanon. The primary goal of the workshop was to familiarize teachers with strategies to enhance their students’ creativity and innovation in their classrooms.
January 20, 2024
Yara Rouhana, Clinical Psychologist, Educator, and Trainer at Eduvate presented a 2 hour workshop about Social and Emotional Learning
Eduvate organized a 2-hour workshop conducted by trainer Yara Rouhana, attended by over 35 teachers from various subjects working in schools across the UAE. The workshop primary goal was
to familiarize teachers with the KHDA school inspection framework in the United Arab Emirates concerning student and teacher wellbeing.

DECEMBER 9, 2023
Nadia Halabi, co-founder of Eduvate shared her insights, skills, and experiences with a professional learning community via Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA) Forum 2023.
In a session tilted “Promoting Reading and Writing Through the Daily 5 framework”, Ms. Halabi shared some techniques and strategies that instill behaviors of independence, create a classroom of highly engaged readers, and provide teachers with routines to maximize students’ reading stamina.
There were many highlights in that 85-minute session, namely, the interactive element of the session that allowed educators to raise common concerns, share best practices, and connect from the
different places of the MENA region.

DECEMBER 4, 2023
Exploring the Future of Quality Education: Insights from a Round Table Discussion at the PRME chapter Middle East 10th forum at the University of Dubai
The Co-founder and CEO of Eduvate and Assistant Professor at Zayed University, Dr. Sandra Baroudi, had the honour of moderating a roundtable discussion centred on the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) – Quality Education at the 10th forum of the UN PRME Chapter Middle East on Dec 4, 2023. This event brought together an array of brilliant minds, such as Dr. Alison Burrows, Dr. Marine Hadengue, Dr. Nada Naufal, Dr. Veronika Pereseina, Dr. Victor Lobo, and Mrs. Mahalakshmi Subramani.

NOVEMBER 20, 2023
Eduvate participation in a panel discussion to empower educators and students and elevate their happiness at wellbeing during Growmore’s Education Innovation event
Growmore’s recent event, “Innovation in Education: Educators as the Architects of Change,” was an immersive experience that highlighted the pivotal role of educators in shaping a transformative educational landscape—one that fosters appreciation, collaboration, and inspiration. Eduvate was honoured to be invited to participate in a panel discussion aimed at elevating educator and student happiness and well-being to reimagine the joy of teaching and learning.

NOVEMBER 14, 2023
Eduvate conducted a two hours face to face workshop for high school female students at Al Sabahiya Girls School in Ras Al Khaimah
Eduvate conducted a two hours face to face workshop for high school female students at Al Sabahiya Girls School in Ras Al Khaimah, aiming to raise awareness for a sustainable future. Dr. Nessrin Shaya, an Assistant Professor at the College of Education and the Quality Assurance QAA Manager at the American University in the Emirates (AUE), led this session for high school girls. The workshop focused on educating students about the Sustainable Development Goals.

OCTOBER 28, 2023
Online training workshop about Transforming STEM Education with Gen AI
Dr. Areel El Sayary led an online workshop on the integration of Generative AI in STEM education. Approximately 20 educators participated in the workshop and gained valuable insights from the demonstrated applications. Engaging in dialogue about their unique challenges and experiences with AI in educational settings was particularly enlightening.

تقديم ورشة عمل عبر منصة تشبيك بعنوان “بناء المرونة والتعاطف من خلال التعلم الاجتماعي والعاطفي”
لقد شاركت الدكتورة ساندرا بارودي بعرض موضوع بناء المرونة والتعاطف من خلال التعلم الاجتماعي والعاطفي بتاريخ ٣ ايلول 2023 عبر منصة تشبيك بلا حدود وهي منصة تسعى إلى جمع المعلمين والتربويين في المنطقة العربية بهدف تشجيعهم على تبادل الخبرات وموارد التعليم وتعزيز التفكير الجماعي لإيجاد حلول متعلقة بقضايا التربية والتعليم.

AUGUST 21, 2023
Enabling Youth for SDG4 session presented by Yara Rouhana in the changemaker 20 Summit
Yara Rouhana, a member of Eduvate’s team, was invited to speak at the Changemaker 20 Summit 2023 organised by Connecting Dreams foundation under India’s G20 presidency. This global event brought together visionary leaders, changemakers, and youth from over 25 countries to drive positive change and address pressing global challenges such as global economic issues, sustainable development, and climate change mitigation.

JUNE 7, 2023
Think Education Podcast
Dr Sandra Baroudi, Co-founder and CEO of Eduvate and Assistant Professor at the College of Interdisciplinary Studies- Zayed University, Dubai, UAE-recently featured on Prof. Christopher Hill’s podcast, discussing Eduvate’s vision and mission. They explored the significance of professional development programs in shaping the education system and highlighted the importance of female leadership. The conversation focused on empowering educators, trainers, and mentors to change mindsets and provide young females with leadership opportunities.
Check the session through this link: Think Education Podcast

MAY 23, 2023
SEL workshop presented to Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA)
(QRTA), Eduvate presented a TALK session about the integration of social and emotional learning in schools curriculum. Around 1,000 educators and people in the field from 7 Arab countries attended this session through Zoom platform while thousands more watched it online though the Facebook page of the academy. We hope that this session created awareness and prepared educators with knowledge and skills needed to nurture the social emotional learning in their instruction for a learning environment.

MAY 21, 2023
Eduvate Co-founder and CEO Dr. Sandra Baroudi has successfully completed Quality Matters Peer Reviewer course
Became QM-Certified Peer Reviewer. Through this course, Dr. Baroudi gained knowledge and skills to apply the QM Specific Review Standards to an online course in order to ensure quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. The Peer Reviewer Course is designed to train experienced online faculty and instructional designers to become certified peer reviewers for Quality Matters (QM).

MAY 21, 2023
Effective Negotiations with Influencer-Type Personalities
Negotiating successfully means adapting to different personality styles. Samer Abou Daher sheds light on effective negotiation tactics for Influence-type (I-type) personalities. Learn how to build rapport, highlight mutual benefits, and embrace flexibility. Trust, rapport, and shared enthusiasm are key to fruitful agreements. Join the conversation and enhance your negotiation skills! The secret for successful negotiations is to analyze our counterpart and adjust ourselves. They are persuasive communicators…

APRIL - JUNE, 2023
Eduvate trained 30 teachers at National Charity Schools in Dubai and Sharjah
Eduvate trained 30 teachers at National Charity Schools in Dubai and Sharjah branches for two training courses; the first one aimed to enhance their knowledge and skills in embedding Social and Emotional Learning in the curriculum delivered by our trainer Yara Rouhana

APRIL 26, 2023
Eduvate presented a 60-minute online session for Johnson & Johnson
Eduvate presented a 60-minute online session for Johnson & Johnson employees in UAE and Lebanon. More than 90 people attended the session presented by our trainer and clinical psychologist Yara Rouhana aimed at presenting a guide to help employees improve their emotional intelligence at work for a healthier and more positive culture.