Setting SMART Goals and Objectives

Trainer Name: Samer Abou Daher

Duration: 1.5 hours
Delivery: English and Arabic
Price: AED 150
Contact us if you want to know more about our next scheduled session.

Mastering Time Management: Strategies for Prioritization and Productivity

Trainer Name: Samer Abou Daher

Duration: 1 hour
Delivery: English and Arabic
Price: AED 100
Contact us if you want to know more about our next scheduled session

Strategies for Effective Delegation and Time Allocation

Trainer Name: Samer Abou Daher

Duration: 1 hour
Delivery: English and Arabic
Price: AED 100
Contact us if you want to know more about our next scheduled session

Tools and Technology for Time Management

Trainer Name: Samer Abou Daher

Duration: 1 hour
Delivery: English and Arabic
Price: AED 100
Contact us if you want to know more about our next scheduled session

Integrating Sustainability Within the Classroom

Trainer Name: Nour Kassir

Duration: 2 hours
Delivery: English and Arabic
Price: AED 200
Contact us if you want to know more about our next scheduled session

The 12 Principles of Sustainability Mindsets

Trainer Name: Nour Kassir

Duration: 2 hours
Delivery: English and Arabic
Price: AED 200
Contact us if you want to know more about our next scheduled session