
Eduvate boasts with more than 15 years of experience with each of its founders and managing partners in the field of education and training.

Crafting Innovation: Embracing the Creative Dreamer Within

By Dr. Heba Chaya

Have you ever wondered what sets creativity and innovation apart? It’s like trying to distinguish between two close cousins, they share similarities, but there’s a subtle difference that makes each one unique.

Creativity is all about flexing those mental muscles to come up with fresh, original ideas. It’s like being the architect of your imagination, building castles in the sky with the bricks of your mind. Think of it as the spark that ignites the fire of innovation.

The Power of Words: Unlocking Literacy Across All Subjects

By Nadia Halabi

It was 2015 in the teachers’ lounge when I first heard that conversation taking place between two of my colleagues, who weren’t English teachers!

“I’m here to teach them Science and not reading and writing!”
“That is the English teacher’s job, and not ours!”

That conversation struck me to the core!

Towards a Skill-Based Assessment System in the UAE

By Samar Barakeh

With an increasing emphasis on student-centered learning, the United Arab Emirates has made a substantial effort to reform its education sector (both public and private) to move from rote-memorization of facts towards a skill-based system that prepares students to thrive in the 21st century.
The skill-based system has positively impacted the assessment approaches and has introduced skill-based assessments that are used to measure students’ progress towards a specific set of skills that is deemed important in a subject area.

Transformational Leadership: The Catalyst for the Demise of Traditional Business Management Models

By Elie el Khoury

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that focuses on encouraging and motivating workers to achieve their full capability. It goes beyond the traditional top-down path and emphasizes cooperation, invention, and particular growth. In the moment’s fleetly changing business geography, effective leadership plays a pivotal part in driving success.

UAE Teens in Crisis?

By Yara Rouhana

Adolescence is a critical stage of development where significant biological, psychological, and social changes occur in one’s life. It’s also known for its vulnerability to mental health disorders, as it’s estimated that about 50% of mental illness starts at the age of 14 (Paruk & Karim, 2016). Many teenagers exhibiting mental health difficulties go untreated for many reasons, some of them being a lack of mental health literacy and …

Igniting Stars: Empowering Arab Women as STEM Innovators

By Dr. Heba Chaya

The Overlooked Role of Women in STEM
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) emerges as a potent catalyst for change and progress. It promises innovation and a brighter future for societies worldwide. However, a crucial aspect of this journey often remains overlooked; the role of girls and women in STEM.

Sustainability Mindset: A Social Emotional Skill

By Yara Rouhana

In recent years, the concept of sustainability has paved its way in the educational field, teaching and encouraging children to adopt various sustainable behaviors: from using less electricity and water to reusing recycled material; therefore, the understanding of sustainability has been limited to its relation to the ‘external’ environment. What these children are missing is a sustainability mindset, one with a set of principles that shed light, not only on sustainable behaviors, but also on sustainable thoughts and emotions.

Cultivating Sustainable Young Minds

By Nour Kassir

In today’s rapidly changing world, the importance of instilling a sustainable mindset in young minds cannot be overstated. Children are not only the future of our society but also the stewards of our planet. As we face unprecedented environmental challenges, it becomes essential to integrate the principles of sustainability into the classroom and to empower children to become environmentally conscious and socially responsible individuals.

Strategizing the Path to a Brighter Future

By Karma Al Naccache

In my previous blog, I examined leadership as the first pillar of sustainable change. Effective leaders have the power to inspire, motivate and mobilize all stakeholders to work towards common goals by promoting a culture of collaboration and communication and by fostering a sense of purpose and direction. As a middle leader, I experience firsthand shared leadership as a driving force to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the modern era; nonetheless, to catalyze sustainable change embracing strategy as a pillar is a mandate.

Empowering Students for Success in the Age of AI: The Critical Role of STEM Education and Critical Thinking

By Dr. Heba Chaya

As the pace of technological advancement accelerates, the need for critical thinking and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) education grows even more urgent. AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology is rapidly transforming the way we live, work, and interact with one another, and it is essential that we understand its implications and use it in ways that benefit society as a whole. In this context, STEM education and critical thinking skills are more important than ever.

Exploring the Synergy of Transformational Leadership and Artificial Intelligence 

By Elie El Khoury

As technology develops and artificial intelligence becomes more prominent, the role of transformational leadership has also evolved. These types of leaders focus on inspiring and motivating their teams to achieve higher levels of performance and creativity. The connection between transformational leadership and artificial intelligence, still, went mainly unexplored.

The Rise of Sustainable Professional Development and Training Programs

By Dr. Sandra Baroudi

In an ever-evolving world, the field of education is no exception to change. The profound shifts in education have left their mark on the design and structure of professional development and training programs, revolutionizing the way educators grow and adapt to the needs of their students. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the impact of these changes on professional development and highlight the importance of investing in teachers…


“It’s teachers, teachers, teachers”

By Nadia Halabi

As an educator, with at least 20 years of experience, who’s been in classes, as a teacher first and as a leader afterwards, I learned that the key to learning is engagement and relevance. A teacher needs to give the “why” and the “how” to the students so that learning makes sense! Unfortunately, it is this part that teachers find challenging and very few can connect the dots on their own!

AI in Business: Friend or Foe?

By Elie El Khoury

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses operate across various industries, including Business, Education, Medical Sector, Research and Development and many more. The impact of AI on leadership has been significant, as it has created new opportunities and challenges for leaders.

Agreement Matrix, a Tool to Drive Continuous Improvement

By Nadia Halabi

I recently enrolled in a Harvard online course about school management and leadership highlighting leaders ‘responsibilities and roles in leading learning. The course is the result of an innovative collaboration between the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and Harvard Business School (HBS).

Educational Leadership-First Pillar of Sustainable Change

By Karma Al Naccache

Trends in education that promote sustainable change include and are not limited to personalized learning, mindfulness, digital citizenship, financial literacy, experiential learning, and STEM curriculum. Those trends cultivate an array of practical and transferable skills rather than just focus on traditional stagnant ones through isolated subjects such as Math, Science, English Language Arts, and others.

Towards a Skill-Based Assessment System in the UAE

By Samar Barakeh

With an increasing emphasis on student-centered learning, the United Arab Emirates has made a substantial effort to reform its education sector (both public and private) to move from rote-memorization of facts towards a skill-based system that prepares students to thrive in the 21st century.
The skill-based system has positively impacted the assessment approaches and has introduced skill-based assessments that are used to measure students’ progress towards a specific set of skills that is deemed important in a subject area.

Transformational Leadership: The Catalyst for the Demise of Traditional Business Management Models

By Elie el Khoury

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that focuses on encouraging and motivating workers to achieve their full capability. It goes beyond the traditional top-down path and emphasizes cooperation, invention, and particular growth. In the moment’s fleetly changing business geography, effective leadership plays a pivotal part in driving success.

UAE Teens in Crisis?

By Yara Rouhana

Adolescence is a critical stage of development where significant biological, psychological, and social changes occur in one’s life. It’s also known for its vulnerability to mental health disorders, as it’s estimated that about 50% of mental illness starts at the age of 14 (Paruk & Karim, 2016). Many teenagers exhibiting mental health difficulties go untreated for many reasons, some of them being a lack of mental health literacy and …

Igniting Stars: Empowering Arab Women as STEM Innovators

By Dr. Heba Chaya

The Overlooked Role of Women in STEM
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) emerges as a potent catalyst for change and progress. It promises innovation and a brighter future for societies worldwide. However, a crucial aspect of this journey often remains overlooked; the role of girls and women in STEM.

Sustainability Mindset: A Social Emotional Skill

By Yara Rouhana

In recent years, the concept of sustainability has paved its way in the educational field, teaching and encouraging children to adopt various sustainable behaviors: from using less electricity and water to reusing recycled material; therefore, the understanding of sustainability has been limited to its relation to the ‘external’ environment. What these children are missing is a sustainability mindset, one with a set of principles that shed light, not only on sustainable behaviors, but also on sustainable thoughts and emotions.

Cultivating Sustainable Young Minds

By Nour Kassir

In today’s rapidly changing world, the importance of instilling a sustainable mindset in young minds cannot be overstated. Children are not only the future of our society but also the stewards of our planet. As we face unprecedented environmental challenges, it becomes essential to integrate the principles of sustainability into the classroom and to empower children to become environmentally conscious and socially responsible individuals.

Strategizing the Path to a Brighter Future

By Karma Al Naccache

In my previous blog, I examined leadership as the first pillar of sustainable change. Effective leaders have the power to inspire, motivate and mobilize all stakeholders to work towards common goals by promoting a culture of collaboration and communication and by fostering a sense of purpose and direction. As a middle leader, I experience firsthand shared leadership as a driving force to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the modern era; nonetheless, to catalyze sustainable change embracing strategy as a pillar is a mandate.

Empowering Students for Success in the Age of AI: The Critical Role of STEM Education and Critical Thinking

By Dr. Heba Chaya

As the pace of technological advancement accelerates, the need for critical thinking and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) education grows even more urgent. AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology is rapidly transforming the way we live, work, and interact with one another, and it is essential that we understand its implications and use it in ways that benefit society as a whole. In this context, STEM education and critical thinking skills are more important than ever.

Exploring the Synergy of Transformational Leadership and Artificial Intelligence 

By Elie El Khoury

As technology develops and artificial intelligence becomes more prominent, the role of transformational leadership has also evolved. These types of leaders focus on inspiring and motivating their teams to achieve higher levels of performance and creativity. The connection between transformational leadership and artificial intelligence, still, went mainly unexplored.

The Rise of Sustainable Professional Development and Training Programs

By Dr. Sandra Baroudi

In an ever-evolving world, the field of education is no exception to change. The profound shifts in education have left their mark on the design and structure of professional development and training programs, revolutionizing the way educators grow and adapt to the needs of their students. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the impact of these changes on professional development and highlight the importance of investing in teachers…


“It’s teachers, teachers, teachers”

By Nadia Halabi

As an educator, with at least 20 years of experience, who’s been in classes, as a teacher first and as a leader afterwards, I learned that the key to learning is engagement and relevance. A teacher needs to give the “why” and the “how” to the students so that learning makes sense! Unfortunately, it is this part that teachers find challenging and very few can connect the dots on their own!

AI in Business: Friend or Foe?

By Elie El Khoury

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses operate across various industries, including Business, Education, Medical Sector, Research and Development and many more. The impact of AI on leadership has been significant, as it has created new opportunities and challenges for leaders.

Agreement Matrix, a Tool to Drive Continuous Improvement

By Nadia Halabi

I recently enrolled in a Harvard online course about school management and leadership highlighting leaders ‘responsibilities and roles in leading learning. The course is the result of an innovative collaboration between the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and Harvard Business School (HBS).

Educational Leadership-First Pillar of Sustainable Change

By Karma Al Naccache

Trends in education that promote sustainable change include and are not limited to personalized learning, mindfulness, digital citizenship, financial literacy, experiential learning, and STEM curriculum. Those trends cultivate an array of practical and transferable skills rather than just focus on traditional stagnant ones through isolated subjects such as Math, Science, English Language Arts, and others.

Towards a Skill-Based Assessment System in the UAE

By Samar Barakeh

With an increasing emphasis on student-centered learning, the United Arab Emirates has made a substantial effort to reform its education sector (both public and private) to move from rote-memorization of facts towards a skill-based system that prepares students to thrive in the 21st century.

Transformational Leadership: The Catalyst for the Demise of Traditional Business Management Models

By Elie el Khoury

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that focuses on encouraging and motivating workers to achieve their full capability. It goes beyond the traditional top-down path and emphasizes cooperation, invention, and particular growth. In the moment’s fleetly changing business geography, effective leadership plays a pivotal part in driving success.

UAE Teens in Crisis?

By Yara Rouhana

Adolescence is a critical stage of development where significant biological, psychological, and social changes occur in one’s life. It’s also known for its vulnerability to mental health disorders, as it’s estimated that about 50% of mental illness starts at the age of 14 (Paruk & Karim, 2016). Many teenagers exhibiting mental health difficulties go untreated for many reasons, some of them being a lack of mental health literacy and…

Igniting Stars: Empowering Arab Women as STEM Innovators

By Dr. Heba Chaya

The Overlooked Role of Women in STEM
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) emerges as a potent catalyst for change and progress. It promises innovation and a brighter future for societies worldwide. However, a crucial aspect of this journey often remains overlooked; the role of girls and women in STEM.

Sustainability Mindset: A Social Emotional Skill

By Yara Rouhana

In recent years, the concept of sustainability has paved its way in the educational field, teaching and encouraging children to adopt various sustainable behaviors: from using less electricity and water to reusing recycled material; therefore, the understanding of sustainability has been limited to its relation to the ‘external’ environment. What these children are missing is a sustainability mindset, one with a set of principles that shed light, not only on sustainable behaviors, but also on sustainable thoughts and emotions.

Cultivating Sustainable Young Minds

By Nour Kassir

In today’s rapidly changing world, the importance of instilling a sustainable mindset in young minds cannot be overstated. Children are not only the future of our society but also the stewards of our planet. As we face unprecedented environmental challenges, it becomes essential to integrate the principles of sustainability into the classroom and to empower children to become environmentally conscious and socially responsible individuals.

Strategizing the Path to a Brighter Future

By Karma Al Naccache

In my previous blog, I examined leadership as the first pillar of sustainable change. Effective leaders have the power to inspire, motivate and mobilize all stakeholders to work towards common goals by promoting a culture of collaboration and communication and by fostering a sense of purpose and direction. As a middle leader, I experience firsthand shared leadership as a driving force to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the modern era; nonetheless, to catalyze sustainable change embracing strategy as a pillar is a mandate.

Empowering Students for Success in the Age of AI: The Critical Role of STEM Education and Critical Thinking

By Dr. Heba Chaya

As the pace of technological advancement accelerates, the need for critical thinking and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) education grows even more urgent. AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology is rapidly transforming the way we live, work, and interact with one another, and it is essential that we understand its implications and use it in ways that benefit society as a whole. In this context, STEM education and critical thinking skills are more important than ever.

Exploring the Synergy of Transformational Leadership and Artificial Intelligence 

By Elie El Khoury

As technology develops and artificial intelligence becomes more prominent, the role of transformational leadership has also evolved. These types of leaders focus on inspiring and motivating their teams to achieve higher levels of performance and creativity. The connection between transformational leadership and artificial intelligence, still, went mainly unexplored.

The Rise of Sustainable Professional Development and Training Programs

By Dr. Sandra Baroudi

In an ever-evolving world, the field of education is no exception to change. The profound shifts in education have left their mark on the design and structure of professional development and training programs, revolutionizing the way educators grow and adapt to the needs of their students. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the impact of these changes on professional development and highlight the importance of investing in teachers…


“It’s teachers, teachers, teachers”

By Nadia Halabi

As an educator, with at least 20 years of experience, who’s been in classes, as a teacher first and as a leader afterwards, I learned that the key to learning is engagement and relevance. A teacher needs to give the “why” and the “how” to the students so that learning makes sense! Unfortunately, it is this part that teachers find challenging and very few can connect the dots on their own!

AI in Business: Friend or Foe?

By  Elie El Khoury

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses operate across various industries, including Business, Education, Medical Sector, Research and Development and many more. The impact of AI on leadership has been significant, as it has created new opportunities and challenges for leaders.

Agreement Matrix, a Tool to Drive Continuous Improvement

By Nadia Halabi

I recently enrolled in a Harvard online course about school management and leadership highlighting leaders ‘responsibilities and roles in leading learning. The course is the result of an innovative collaboration between the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and Harvard Business School (HBS).

Educational Leadership-First Pillar of Sustainable Change

By Karma Al Naccache

Trends in education that promote sustainable change include and are not limited to personalized learning, mindfulness, digital citizenship, financial literacy, experiential learning, and STEM curriculum. Those trends cultivate an array of practical and transferable skills rather than just focus on traditional stagnant ones through isolated subjects such as Math, Science, English Language Arts, and others.